Career Technical Education is a program of study that involves a multi-year sequence of courses that integrates core academic knowledge with technical and occupational knowledge to provide students with a pathway to post-secondary education and careers.
The CTE standards specify learning goals in 58 career pathways organized around 15 industry sectors. Upper Lake High School offers 3 CTE Pathways.
California Industry Sector
ULHS Courses
Agriculture and Natural Resources Sector (AGR)
Agricultural Mechanics (Pathway 101)
8520: Agriculture Metals I (7120)- Introduction
8500: Introduction to Agriculture and Mechanics (7120)- Introduction
8521: Agriculture Metals II (7121)- Concentrator
8502: Advanced Agriculture Mechanics II (7121)- Concentrator
8522: Agriculture Metals III (7122)- Capstone
8503: Advanced Agriculture Mechanics III (7122)- Capstone
8504: Advanced Agriculture Mechanics IV (7122)- Capstone
8523: Agriculture Metals IV (7122)- Capstone
Sustainable Agriscience (Pathway 102A)
Introduction to Agriculture (7120)- Introduction
3031: Agriculture Soil Chemistry (7134)- Concentrator
8534: Agriculture Systems Management (7135)- Capstone
AGR 116: Sustainable Agriculture Systems (Mendo College Dual Enroll. Capstone)
Arts, Media, and Entertainment (AME)
Design, Visual and Media Arts
6095: Career Video and Sound - Introduction
Concentrator (TBA)
Capstone (TBA)